A Baby for the Beastly Boss Page 7
“And if I don’t?” I didn’t really think I would be able to resist him. Not when just being here right now proved how weak I was, as far as he was concerned. But I wanted to see just what he would say to that.
“Then I’ll just have to keep chasing you, until you do.” He nodded toward the door. “Just like I did out there.”
“If you’re worried about whether I would keep you from seeing the child…” My voice trailed away for a moment. The concept of being pregnant was still almost more abstract than real, but I had the sinking feeling that it was the real motivation for his behavior. “I wouldn’t do that.”
“I know. But this isn’t about that.” He pushed me up against the office door, just as he had that first time. Which seemed so very long ago, yet in reality, had only been a few weeks. “You said you still need to confirm it.”
“Yes, but…”
He nuzzled the side of my neck and despite my best intentions, I moaned. My knees buckled too, and I needed his strong arms around me to keep me from falling. “I was kind of hoping you weren’t. So that I’d have an excuse to touch you again.” He began unbuttoning the front of my blouse. “To fuck you again…”
“I thought I was addicted. Obsessed. I didn’t realize that it was so much more than that.” He took in a deep and surprisingly shaky breath. “I don’t just want you to have my child. That was just the way I tried to justify how much I wanted you.”
“Me? Or…” I bit my lip, unable to say the words. Afraid to break the spell that I was under, as if that meant I would wake up and find that this had really been just a dream after all.
“You.” He ran a finger along my lower lip. “You have no idea how this has little gesture of yours has been driving me crazy for years.”
“Years?” I knew I was echoing him again, but I couldn’t seem to do anything more.
Andrew nodded and his eyes blazed. “I’ve wanted you for a long time but always felt that to act on it would be taking advantage of you. Of your position here. Then there was that damned will, and you said those two little words… I couldn’t fight the need to touch you any longer, though I still refused to think about a relationship. I told myself I didn’t have time for that.” He slid his hand to my cheek again, and I felt him shaking. “I wanted to believe that it was only about keeping the company, because that’s all I’ve focused on for more than half my life.”
I knew he didn’t tend to exaggerate such things, and yet… “You’re not that old.”
His laugh barely contained any amusement. “I was sixteen when Uncle Thomas became my legal guardian, after my parents died. From the beginning, he said I had to earn my place. And then…”
“I see,” I said softly. Stood on tiptoe and brushed my lips against his. There was nothing sexual about it. Just a way of reminding him that he was no longer alone, and I think he understood that. “Maybe he realized that you should have a life outside of the company. Maybe he regretted what he did. And that’s why he made the provision about an heir.”
“You give him a lot more credit than I ever could.”
“I try to think the best of people, whenever I can.”
“Even me.” He braced one hand against the door and leaned in again. His breath warm against my face. “I’m pretty sure you’ve seen it all over the years. The good, the bad—and I know I’ve been really bad at times, since everyone calls me an ogre behind my back—and the ugly. I’ve gotten very good and pushing people out of my life. Yet I think you would have stuck with me anyway. Right?”
“Until you thought there was someone else.” His voice grew hoarse and very soft. “I’m sorry I gave you any reason to doubt me. I’m sorry I hurt you. I don’t want you to leave me, because I love you, Emma.”
My head spun and I was sure that I was going to faint.
The silence stretched out between us, and then Andrew said: “You know, this is where you should probably be saying something.”
I laughed softly. “I couldn’t. You took my breath away.”
“Yeah?” His smile turned almost smug. “I like the sound of that.”
I curled my arms around his shoulders, and he nuzzled my neck, his lips sipping at my skin. I arched my head back to give him better access. “Andrew, please.”
“You want me to fuck you.”
“Right here and now? Make you scream so that everyone in this office knows what we’re doing?” His eyes gleamed with a wicked sort of mischief that I’d never seen in him before. “To make sure each and every one of them out there knows you’re mine.”
“I am yours.” I cried out as he pushed up my skirt, and I reached for his belt. My fingers fumbled, and he pushed them out of the way. Quickly freeing his cock, he lifted me more firmly against the door. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he slid inside me. “I love you.”
“I like the sound of that.” He growled and thrust in deep. “But I’m still going to make you scream…”
Epilogue (Andrew)
“Come here, sweetheart.” I pulled Emma on top of me, relishing the feel of her bare skin against mine. “I need you to ride me.”
“But the lights are on.”
I chuckled. “So?”
“I don’t look like…” Her soft voice trailed away, and she bit her lip in the way that never failed to get to me. And to make me harder than a rock. Every single time.
I stared up at my beautiful wife. It had been almost a year since we were married. As soon as I had convinced her that I loved her, I had made sure to get her to the altar as soon as possible. There was no way that I was going to let her escape, if I could help it.
I’d wanted her to be mine in every sense of the word.
Of course, my new mother in-law had been less than thrilled by my bundling Emma off onto the quickest flight to Vegas that I could find. Her mother had been really looking forward to helping her only child plan her wedding day.
We had promised her we would have another ceremony, complete with a reception.
Her belly was rounder now, her breasts much fuller from feeding our son. I’d heard her fret more than once about the marks that the stretching of her belly during pregnancy had left upon her, but to me, she had never been more beautiful.
“You’re gorgeous.” I rolled my hips under her, letting her feel just what she was doing to me. If she hadn’t been wearing panties, I might have been able to slide inside her right then and there. “I love you, sweetheart. All of you.”
She laughed softly. “Well, I’ve always heard that love is blind.”
“Not in this case.” I slid my hands under the silk robe that she wore, the sash only partly tied on due to her haste when she’d heard the cry over the baby monitor earlier. We had a nanny to help out during the day but at night, Emma wanted to do everything herself.
She still worked for me too.
In part because it had been obvious that I had been lost without her in the office, while she’d been on her maternity leave. But also because she wanted to.
I would give her anything she wanted. Anything that she could ever ask me.
I would move heaven and earth to make her happy, after I’d nearly lost her.
No one called her a mouse at work any longer. I’d made sure of that.
Even the most enthusiastic of gossips wouldn’t dare cross the ogre.
Sliding one hand to the small of her back, I held her in place as I rose up into a sitting position. I nuzzled the top of the robe open, growling as I closed my lips around her nipple.
She cried out and I could feel the wetness of her panties.
That little scrap of fabric was the only thing that separated us. And though I could have tugged it to one side, could have plunged up into her and made her come just from the thrusting of my cock, I wanted more.
It had been a long time since I’d had a chance to savor my
To taste every lovely inch of her body.
I sucked on her the way that I knew she liked as I moved her under me. Her legs spread open and she wrapped them around my waist. Each time she did that—whether I was inside her or not—it felt like I was coming home. That I was in the only place where I truly belonged.
With her.
This time, however, I had other plans, and gently unwound them from my body. Holding her in place with one hand between her lovely breasts, I began kissing my way down her rounded stomach to the waistline of her panties. Hooking my fingers into the latter, I tugged them along for the ride as I continued moving lower.
I tossed the scrap of fabric aside without watching where it landed. Felt Emma’s thighs tremble as I held her open for my mouth.
Fuck, she was delicious. The sweetest treat I’d ever had in my life.
And she was all mine.
I swept my tongue over her pussy, slowly exploring every fold as if learning her body again for the first time. Drawing out my explorations as she began to shudder and pant and cry out my name.
“Andrew, please.” Her hands landed on my head, tugging at my hair as she tried to pull me up.
“Not yet, sweetheart.” I shifted slightly to find her clit, teasing that sensitive nub with just the tip of my tongue. “I need you to come for me first.”
“I…” Her next cry was barely more than a muffled moan and I glanced up.
She was biting her lip.
I reached up and gently worked my finger over her lip, until she had to release it. “No holding back, Emma. Not tonight.”
“No one can hear us.”
“That… that didn’t stop you. Before.”
True. I grinned at the memory of all the times how I’d made her scream at work. On my desk. On the floor. I probably should have the place soundproofed better, if only to keep the people who I employed from getting distracted.
“You screamed for me then. There’s no excuse not to now.” I slid two fingers inside her, pumping it in and out of her pussy in time with the motions of my tongue on her clit. Her inner muscles were just as strong—maybe stronger—since she’d given birth, and her hot sheath clamped down on my digits in an ever-quickening rhythm.
Oh, yes.
She was very close now. I blew lightly on her clit, knowing the change in temperature, the particular stimulation on her damp flesh would make her shiver and fall over the edge.
And she did.
Screaming and writhing as she came around my fingers. I shifted my mouth from her clit back to her pussy, licking up her cream as it slid down all over my hand.
I let her fall back, let her breathing slow ever so slightly.
Then I started again.
And again.
Fuck, I was sure that I could come just from watching her climax, but somehow, I managed to hold back.
Until she began to beg.
And plead.
Then she whispered: “Fuck me.”
Hearing her say that still got to me. Made my cock fucking jolt in response each and every time. Her sweet, soft voice such a contrast to the coarse words.
I drew my fingers out of her pussy and moved over her. Braced one hand against the pillows near her head as I guided my cock against her slick opening. Coating the head with her juices, then I slid in.
Groaned, my eyes falling shut with the sheer intensity of the sensation.
Fuck, nothing had ever felt so good as being inside her.
So tight and hot and wet, her pussy gripping at my cock as if she never wanted to let me go.
Just like I was never going to let her go. “Mine,” I whispered, as the feel of her around my dick brought out that primal side in me. I leaned in and nuzzled her neck, nipping her. Then sucking. Leaving a mark. “Mine.”
“Yours.” Then she slid her hands down my back and cupped my ass. “And this is mine.”
My eyes snapped open and I stared down at her. Emma’s lips were turned up in a saucy little smirk, her eyes blazing with a mix of humor and desire. Fuck, did I love this woman. “Just that part of me?”
She laughed. “Well, that’s all I can reach. Right now.”
“As long as you know that all of me is yours, sweetheart.”
“I do.” Her eyes fell shut and her back arched, her breathing growing short and fast once more. Her pussy tightened repeatedly around my cock, and I knew my sweet wife was going to come for me again.
Very soon.
I thrust into her. Deep and hard. Unable to tease. Unable to play any longer.
I just needed to fuck her.
To take her.
And to give myself to her as well. My cock jerked and swelled, and I shoved deep one last time. Spurt after spurt of my come filling her body as she screamed my name, her nails digging into my ass.
We collapsed together, but as soon as I could find the strength, I rolled onto my back.
Taking her with me.
I stroked her damp, tangled hair. “Think we made another baby?”
She groaned. “I hope not. I’m not ready for that.”
“But you do want more than one.”
“Eventually.” She yawned wide and I thought I heard a faint popping noise. “Though if you want one sooner, then maybe we should can find a way for you to carry him or her.”
I laughed. “Not a chance.”
She buried her face against my chest, but I could most definitely feel her lips turning up in a smirk. “I’m glad you see things my way.”
My cock stirred for her again, but I ignored it and simply held her. Knowing that she was more tired these days and besides, I knew we had plenty of time for more.
We would have the rest of our lives.
To fuck. To love. And to be happy.
A tiny cry crackled over the baby monitor and Emma groaned. Her arms shaking, she tried to push off me, but I pulled her back down again. Slipping out from under her, I rose to my feet. “Stay,” I said. “I’ll take this round.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah.” I eyed the open front of her robe. “It hasn’t been that long since you fed him. So I should be able to handle anything else he throws my way.”
She laughed softly. “Don’t say that.”
“I’m just glad he chose to wait until now.”
It was dark, but I could tell she was blushing. “I hope it will be a very long time before he understands enough to do that.”
I grinned. “Yeah. Maybe you’re right about that.”
She was nearly asleep by the time I reached the door of our bedroom, reinforcing my decision.
The nursery was right next door. I stumbled over a stuffed animal that had somehow taken up residence in the middle of the floor and reached the crib.
My son was fussing and squirming but when I checked his diaper, there was nothing that needed to be taken care of. I lifted him carefully, supporting his neck with one hand as I held him against my chest.
Began walking back and forth.
I still couldn’t believe that Emma and I had made something so perfect. So amazing.
Thomas William Harrison.
Named after my uncle.
Yes, the old man had done his best to control my life. Both before he died and after he was gone. But something good had come out of his meddling.
In the form of the little miracle I held in my arms, as well as the woman back in my bed.
And I was going to hold on to both of them.
About the Author
Jenessa Beyer has been fascinated by romance since she was a young girl. As she grew up, so did her tastes, and now she loves—and writes—hot stories full of instant attraction and desire. If you would like to be notified of her latest releases, please sign up for her newsletter: https://forms.aweber.com/form/14/1212248614.htm